Today I went to Reina Sofia with a bunch of other kids. No pictures allowed inside and I forgot to take a selfie before or after we went in, apologies. Afterwards we went to an Ecuadorian restaurant because someone had studied abroad in Ecuador and missed the food. They had tostones! But they called them something different. But to me they're tostones.
I got arroz con camarones. It also had some plantanos on top. It was really good.
On the way home I bought half a melon, for a snack, from the frutería just down my street. I've wanted to go there but I haven't had time. I love this melon. It's called piel de sapo. I had it when I was in Oviedo (lotta Elizabeth in Oviedo callbacks lately) and I was obsessed. I'm still obsessed. I'm not big on melon in the States, but this is so good.