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Writer's pictureElizabeth Elsea

Running Sushi :)

Updated: Nov 7, 2022

Sorry to beat a dead horse but just to remind everyone: Tuesdays are my busiest days. I had class from 8:30--1 and from 4--5:30 again, and then tutoring at school from 5:30--6:30, and then I had to go "teach" English from 7:30--8:30. By the time I got home I again ate dinner and went right to sleep. The only break I had in my day was for lunch, and Larissa and I went to a running sushi restaurant! I don't know what they're actually called (is it that?), but that's what all the ones here are called. It's the Japanese restaurants where the food goes by on little plates on little conveyor belts. Larissa had been wanting to go to one and so I went with her. I'd never been to one, and it was so fun. I tried to take a picture of every plate I got, but I know I missed like five. I also don't know what anything is called so there will be minimal captions on these.

Larissa took this picture of the first stack of plates we used right before they took them away. We made two more stacks of plates of this size before we left.

The set up was that you pay €15 and you get to sit and eat as much as you want for an hour. It was awesome. The first thirty minutes were a blur, and then we realized we still had a whole thirty more minutes and we chilled out. We both said it felt like we were in the Lotus Hotel part of Percy Jackson, where they go in and time is distorted and the lights are weird and they go a little crazy. We sat at a bar, and I was on the right (with a big column by my right) and Larissa was on the left. The food was going from right to left, so Larissa had to help me a lot with getting food because by the time I saw something and processed it and it registered that I wanted it, it would be in front of her. She also taste tested a lot of dishes for meat for me. Thank you Larissa, I'm sorry for being high-maintenance. Anyway, here's (most) all of the food.

When we sat down the waitress explained the plate system to us. It was just that the top conveyor belt was for hot food and the bottom was for cold food, and white plates were for dessert and the colorful plates were for regular food. I told her I was vegetarian and I asked if there was a certain color plate that meant the food was vegetarian (green perhaps), but she said no, and I said, "No worries, that's fine. I'll figure it out," and she brought me these three plates of vegetarian food without me asking. That was so nice. Usually when I say I'm vegetarian in this country they just give me a confused/disgusted look and then serve me tuna or ham anyway. Thank you to the nice waitress.

This tasted like styrofoam in the best way.

Melon!!! I got like five more of these plates let's see if I remembered to keep taking pictures of them.

Yeah I remembered to keep up with the melon pics--good work.

The dessert plates were mostly fruit, which I clearly loved but it made me laugh because I knew my mom would've been mad.

Wow that was not as much food as I remember eating. I know I missed like five plates but even still. Anyway here's some restaurant pics I look on the way out. Sorry they're bad I was trying not to spook the other patrons.

It's like a little subway awwwww.

After lunch Larissa and I were enthralled by this pigeon. We watched it forever and then the second I got my phone out it flew away. Putting the video here so I remember this dumb bird (AKA GB).

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1 Comment

Emily Edwards Elsea
Emily Edwards Elsea
Oct 28, 2022

That place is perfect for you!!! Looks like lots of yummy food. And I’m right… fruit is NOT dessert;)

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