Happy birthday to my dad! Wednesdays are weird for me because I don't have set classes or a set schedule, but I usually have some extra session for class or some event for my program. So today Jisenia and I had a session for our cultural anthropology class. We just watched a documentary. It was scheduled to last from 8:30--11:30AM, but we got out an hour early, which was nice. I went home and took a nap. I still don't like naps, and this one in particular wasn't fun. My whole thing against naps is I always wake up feeling worse, even more tired and groggy than I was before, and they just ruin the rest of my day. But they're becoming necessary. Improvise adapt overcome.
I woke up from my nap because I had to go to El Prado for our art history class. El Prado <3 They changed the pictures on the tickets, they're all hands now. Mine was a serve--the hands of the angel from La Anunciación by Fra Angelico.
After El Prado (<3), I continued my search for a black skirt. Larissa very kindly went with me. Here is us in Zara.
I took this picture outside the second Zara we went to. It was literally impossible to find a plain long black skirt in this city. But luckily my mom has a plain long black skirt she's letting me use. The look is complete! Renaissance Fair here we come!!!
After shopping I bought half a melon on the way home. Then I ate half of that half.
Also, I texted my casadiella dealer again today. On Friday he told me there'd be casadiellas Saturday or Sunday. On Sunday he told me there'd be casadiellas Monday or Tuesday. And today he told me Thursday or Friday. So I was right to be wary. I told him to just hit my line when he gets them because I don't want to bother him every day.