I went to lunch on Tuesday with Addie, Larissa, and Jason. We went to a Mexican place. I didn't take a single picture. Sorry class. It was really good though. I had a burrito. Yummy. I saw these pomegranates at a fruit stand on our way back to campus and I did take a picture of them, you're welcome class.
My tutoring after class got canceled, which was epic because then I had just enough time to go home and drop off my backpack before "teaching" English. The dad got home as I was leaving and he had this box of cookies/pastries/what do you call these in English??? and they had me try some--they were good.
After English class, I went to a bar with a bunch of kids from my program and, again, didn't take any pictures except for this one no one asked for. I hadn't had dinner so I went to the Carrefour across the street from the bar and got a salad and brought it back. I was afraid that the bar would be mad at me, but they do not care here. We've been to this bar before, we like it. A lot of kids went, and it was really fun to just hang out with everyone.
Jisenia and me.
Selfies Larissa took on the way home. (Addie, Jiseniam Larissa, Elsa, me.)
Omg our metro was taking foreverrr we had to wait like at least ten minutes.