We got back from Prague on Wednesday night and I entered scholar lockdown until Friday afternoon because I had midterms on Thursday and Friday. I should've taken them the week before, but they were when I was sick and couldn't go to school. So no blog post for Thursday. On Friday night I went out with my friends because I pinkie promised in Prague I would.
Here is a picture I took of this wall I pass by all the time. It's near Callao. I like the little envelope because I like mail. I was here after my exams today because I had to buy a dress--I used Jisenia's last time (thank you Jisenia) and I didn't want to make it a habit so it was time to invest in my own.
I went out with Larissa, Bernadette, Jisenia, Jason, and Carson. (Lauren was supposed to come too but she had a headache so she didn't.) We pregamed at Jisenia's apartment. I got a little espresso cup to drink out of. Fun.
On the metro on the way to the club.
The club was mid. I had fun with the homies but the music wasn't great/my vibe. But I'm glad I went--there are no bad experiences. But I'm definitely still not a club person.