This morning I went to El Rastro by myself on a mission: I needed to get a little black purse. I was successful. El Rastro (held every Sunday, the largest flea market in Madrid and probably Spain and maybe even Europe idk) is crazy, here's some pictures I took while I was there.

After that I met up with Larissa at a mercado for lunch. Here's some pics I took on the way.

Movie theatre for Liam.

Museum of Illusions because it made me think of Arrested Development.

I got these vegan crispy onion things with mango sauce. They were so good.


Then I went back home.

At home I had a series of calls. First up: Mermaid Princesses. Here is me and Jack waiting for the Dombrowskis (featuring my files of me working on Tuesday's blog and the FBI background check I needed for my visa).


After that I had my weekly FFF (Forced Family FaceTime) (not actually forced this is a running thing).

After that I FaceTimed Tess <3
