Today I went to the Museo Cerralbo. According to their website, "it's one of the most important museums in Madrid, but also one of the most unknown. It's the palace of the 17th Marquess of Cerralbo and today shows visitors the lifestyle of an aristocratic family at the end of the 1800s." I'd heard a lot about it and really wanted to go, but they have limited hours and capacity. I've walked by a few times before this and decided to not waste my time waiting to get in. Today this was the only thing on my agenda though, so I waited in line for about 20 or 30 minutes to get in, which wasn't bad. And it was definitely worth it, it was a beautiful palace. You could take pictures everywhere in it so I'm about to use my upgraded storage plan to dump those all here. Let's get into it.
I took this specifically to show Jisenia--she loves chandeliers. I get her.
This one's for the Dombrowksis.
The angle of this one is off, which is bothering me, but I can't figure out how to edit it to fix it and it's too cool to cut.
You already know what it isss. This library was actually not my favorite part of the palace, for the first time ever. It was just pretty little and mid. Still cool, but the ballroom (up next) was suchhh a serve, it definitely won the day.
Coins for Jan for Graham.
This was the foyer/pre-ballroom area. It was also lit.
Ballroom moment. Look at the material.
I remember showing Jisenia all these chandeliers. Lot of good content.
And that was all the palace content. As you can see, very neat. All those pics were overkill, sorry, but I will be utilizing this storage plan to its fullest.
Then I went home and made avocado toast. I was heavy in my avocado toast era. I made avocado toast again later, but there's already too much avocado toast on the blog (it's the new pomegranate I guess), and two avocado toasts in one post--and back-to-back no less--would simply be too much.
Then that night me and the homies (Alana, Zack, Jisenia, Rose, Kike) went to a bar right across the street from our apartment.