A very theatrical weekend for me! On Sunday I went to the Zarzuela with my roommates, Larissa, and Kayla. I've been hearing about the Zarzuela nonstop this whole time and finally got around to going. The Zarzuela is the Spanish version of the opera. No disrespect, but it's like the poor man's opera: there's usually talking along with singing, it's more comedic, more about the middle classes and that's who'd go because tickets were cheaper, and it's less intricate/complex. My English class family especially knows I love the opera and kept telling me I had to go to the Zarzuela.
The Zarzuela we went to was cool in theory but super wasted in execution. I'll explain. Basically the show was an old Zarzuela that had been reworked. It was about the rape of Lucretia, and then this production had added the modern spirit/ghost of Lucretia as a narrator. She was the only good part, she carried fr. It was a really interesting concept, but the songs were sooooo long and sooooo redundant. Over the course of the show every character had their own song, and they would spend fifteen minutes singing the same two verses. I can hang in there with the best of them, but this was simply super boring. If they had reduced all the songs by 75% I would have been way happier with my Zarzuela experience. I'm still an opera supremacist for sure.
Jisenia, Kayla, and Alana left at intermission, which was so real of them.
Taken by Larissa.
Saw this on the walk home.