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Writer's pictureElizabeth Elsea

March 2 2023

Mandalorian posters in the metro lately.

My second class of the day today (Religion) was canceled this week because my teacher was gone, so the tutoring session I usually have in between my two classes became the last thing I had to do on campus that day. Larissa was done at the same time my tutoring ended, so we hung out. I took this picture on the way to lunch.

We went to Takos Al Pastor. My friends went there all the time last semester but I could never go. It was super good. I get the hype.

After that we went to the post office so I could send postcards. I paid with all these coins, which was epic for me. The pay machine at the school cafeteria doesn't take 1¢ or 2¢ coins, and then in other places I don't want to take forever picking out exact change, you know how it is. But I know that sending a postcard is €2.10, and I used that knowledge to my advantage and was prepared. Anyway who cares. Just getting rid of all these coins was exciting.

Then we bip bopped around for a bit before splitting. On the way home I saw this copy of that horrible Jesus restoration painting lol.

And then I got home and realized that I forgot my keys🙏 So I went to the Prado and waited there for Rose to get out of class and let me in.

Then I had two meetings (one was with Ryan so not a full-fledged meeting) and then I made brussel sprouts again.

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