I had orientation from 4--6:30 this afternoon. It was at the university, so I had to take the metro to get there.
Little library in the metro :)
I gave myself plenty of time to get to orientation in case I got lost on the metro or something (but I didn't, I killed it). And I wanted to walk around a little bit, hang out and read/text/call/write. So I was over two hours early to orientation. So first I walked to this one park, but it was super ugly and dusty so I left. Then I walked to this park--much better :)
Orientation was not that exciting. We went over some basic safety tips, introductions, things like that. I got to meet everyone else, which was the exciting part :) Once we were done with orientation things I came back home, dropped off some stuff, and went to the park right by my house to, once again, hang out and read/text/call/write. Here is a dog friend I made at the park, he was all over me.
Here is the little cafe/bar in the park. I was sitting to the side so it doesn't look that cute, but that's on me. It's actually nice.
I love this park. There's always so many people out, it's so pretty, it's close. Also I took this photo at 9PM (21:00), and there's still so many people and it's still light. I think I will probably be at this park most days, at least for a couple minutes.
At orientation I got my new Spanish SIM card and my new Spanish phone number. If you want to contact me, you should get Whatsapp. It works exactly the same as texting/calling, but just bypasses international fees. My new number is +34 621 23 13 98.
I have to be at Day 2 of orientation tomorrow morning at 9AM (same in 24 hour clock time :)), the meeting point is almost an hour away, and it's 00:48 (12:48AM) so I am signing off. Hasta mañana! :)