This is the only picture I have from today. Yummy. I got done with school at 4PM, didn't do anything exciting afterwards. Now that my classes are finalized, here's my class schedule! Monday/Tuesday
Andalusian Culture--Complutense
No class! (I just need another day or two off and I'll feel just like Liam.)
Women as a Subject in Spanish Literature--Reunidas
Complutense means it's a class with Spaniards; Reunidas means it's a class with other Americans. All classes are entirely in Spanish and taught by Spanish professors. Last semester I only had to take one Complutense class, and me and Jisenia and Larissa were the only ones who had to do that since we're here for the year. The reason for that is the finals for the fall semester Complutense are in January, when all the people here for the fall semester are already back home and school is back in session. This semester everyone is in three Reunidas classes and three Complutense classes.